Underwriting for deafness life insurance will depend on the following factors that insurers will assess regarding your application:
- Whether your deafness affects one or both ears
- The cause of deafness
- Underlying medical causes of your deafness
- Associated injury
- Your age
- Your general health
- Medications prescribed
If there is a medical reason for your hearing loss, an insurer will want more information from you. For instance, if you have suffered deafness as a result of injury or trauma, a pre-existing medical condition or otherwise, an insurer will want more details on the severity of your condition. You may not be eligible for standard life insurance premiums, depending on the insurers’ evaluation of your circumstances. If you have had long-term deafness for a long time and it has been caused by ageing or through hereditary factors, a standard premium is more likely to apply, as deafness is not considered to be a major impact on life expectancy.
An insurer might want to see a medical report from your GP to gain an idea of your current health and the severity of your deafness. If your deafness has occurred as a result of an underlying health condition, it is likely that you will be offered life insurance with increased premiums. If however you have had deafness for a long time as a result of ageing, an insurer may accept you with standard terms. At The Insurance Surgery, we have helped many people with deafness find the right life insurance cover for their needs.