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Can you get life insurance with mental illness?

Can you get life insurance with mental illness?

When considering life insurance, individuals with mental health conditions may wonder if cover is possible. It’s crucial to recognise that mental illness encompasses a broad spectrum of disorders, affecting mood, behaviour, and cognitive function. Conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and eating disorders fall under this category. These
How much is life insurance
How much is life insurance?

How much is life insurance?

Life insurance is a critical component of financial planning, a way of providing security for loved ones in the event of the policyholder’s death. However, not all policies are created equal. In fact, they can vary significantly in terms of length and value. Understanding the factors that influence these variations
Specialist Life Insurance For Cancer Patients
Do I need cancer insurance?

Do I need cancer insurance?

Life insurance can seem confusing at the best of times, but if you have a pre-existing medical condition, you might wonder if you’ll be accepted for any life insurance at all. This can be particularly true for cancer survivors. Even if you’re in remission or cancer-free. Insurance providers may also
Life insurance for family
How does life insurance work?

How does life insurance work?

Every day, we take calls from people who are searching for life insurance for the first time. Often, they know they want some form of financial protection for their loved ones. However, they’re not sure exactly what they’re looking for or how it works. If that sounds familiar, don’t worry.