If you are looking for life insurance and you have previously been diagnosed with Basal Cell Carcinoma then you will be required to disclose information about your condition to your insurer. In most applications for Basal Cell Carcinoma life cover there will more than likely be a requirement to provide a copy of your medical records or at least a targeted report from your GP. This is purely to ensure that insurance underwriters can accurately assess your application for Basal Cell Carcinoma life insurance to ensure that they apply the correct decision.
If you are applying for Basal Cell Carcinoma life insurance then you may find that underwriting decisions will vary from one insurer to another due to the simple fact that underwriting criteria for each insurance provider is different. If you have suffered a one-off event and no further complications then you will generally find that Basal Cell Carcinoma life cover will be available at standard rates or very close to that.
For anyone who has suffered multiple carcinomas there should still be a strong possibility of getting cover at a reasonable cost, however there may be a loading to the premium which will depend on your own circumstances. If you have applied for Basal Cell Carcinoma life cover previously and been offered cover on special terms or even been declined cover altogether then you should contact our team of insurance experts.