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Tinnitus Life Insurance

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Tinnitus Life Insurance, Critical Illness Cover And Income Protection

We are a leading insurance specialist for people who have been diagnosed with pre-existing medical conditions, high risk occupations or extreme sports such as Tinnitus life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection. Anyone who has been diagnosed with a pre-existing medical condition will know the risks of medical complications and should understand the need for life insurance, critical illness cover or income protection and especially for those who have children or dependants.

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People suffering from Tinnitus will be able to get life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection in most cases so there should be no real issues getting cover for the majority of people.

Here we consider the various potential issues when assessing an application for Tinnitus life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection so you know what to expect for your personal situation. There are some medical conditions that are considered to be more serious than others however Tinnitus is generally considered to be one of the less severe pre-existing medical conditions.

Symptoms of Tinnitus:

  • Ringing in ear(s)
  • Throbbing around ear(s)
  • Buzzing sounds
  • Difficulty hearing

There are a number of possible sounds that can be heard for anyone suffering from Tinnitus which does not cause an issue generally for life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection.

How Tinnitus life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection works:

It is generally fairly straight forward for anyone suffering from Tinnitus to get life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection, however insurance underwriters will want to know:

  • Date diagnosed
  • Frequency of symptoms
  • Severity of symptoms
  • Any treatment or surgery
  • Other medical or health problems

For more help or advice to get a quote for Tinnitus life insurance, critical illness cover or income protection you can call one of our team of experts on 0800 083 2829.

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Tinnitus life insurance

As we mentioned earlier, it is generally considered to be a milder pre-existing medical condition for life insurance so you should find that there should not be an issue getting cover if you have Tinnitus. In most cases where we are applying for Tinnitus life insurance for our clients if there are no other issues then cover can even be offered without the need for a medical report. We also find that people applying for Tinnitus life insurance with no major health issues or other medical problems will be able to get cover with no added premium loadings.

Premiums for Tinnitus life insurance will depend on:

  • What age were you when you were first diagnosed with Tinnitus
  • How severe are your symptoms
  • How often do you suffer any attacks
  • Have you had any surgery or treatment

In some cases where there are other medical or health issues then you may find that your premiums or offer of cover for Tinnitus life insurance could be impacted. There are a wide range of possible premium loadings depending on your health or medical history so you should speak to one of our experts for more information.

Tinnitus critical illness cover

There is also a very strong chance of being able to get a Tinnitus critical illness cover policy in place with no increase to your premiums and no exclusions so on standard terms. You will need to disclose information about your condition and your health so that underwriters can accurately assess your application.

As with life insurance, you may not be required to provide access to your medical records for Tinnitus critical illness cover which will make your application process much faster. If you are applying for Tinnitus critical illness cover and you have other medical or health problems then there may be a need to obtain further medical evidence to support your enquiry as well as other possible Implications such as loaded premiums or possible exclusions.

Tinnitus income protection

As with the other types of cover it should not be an issue to get a policy to cover for Tinnitus income protection and in most cases there should be no need for a medical report. There may be additional issues if there has been a history of time of work due to your condition which underwriters will want to know about. Any offer of Tinnitus income protection will depend on the severity of your symptoms and the frequency of any attacks.

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If you need help to get a competitive quote for Tinnitus life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection then you should contact one of our team of experts for more information on 0800 083 2829.
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