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Supraventricular Tachycardia Life Insurance

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Supraventricular Tachycardia Life Insurance

Supraventricular Tachycardia Life Insurance

In general, it should be fairly easy for you to get life insurance with supraventricular tachycardia, as long as you have no major complications with your condition, or no other medical issues. If your condition is more severe, you still may be able to get cover, however you may have to pay a loading within your premium.

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There are a few things that insurers will take into consideration when you apply for supraventricular tachycardia life insurance, these are:

  • What medication you use (if any)
  • The severity of your condition
  • If you have had any medical issues associated with your condition
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Supraventricular tachycardia life insurance

In general, life insurance for people with supraventricular tachycardia should be fairly easy to obtain, as long as your condition is not overly severe. It is likely that providers may request a doctor’s report with your application so that they can further assess the risk of your condition.

If they assess your condition to be fairly low risk, it is possible that you may be offered cover at standard rates, however if your condition presents more of a risk, then it is possible that your premiums will have a loading added, and will therefore be slightly more expensive.

Critical illness cover

Similarly to supraventricular tachycardia life insurance, supraventricular tachycardia critical illness cover should be fairly easy to get, as long as your condition isn’t too severe.

If your condition is mild, and well controlled, it is possible that you can get supraventricular tachycardia at standard rates. However, the more flare ups that you have, and medications that are needed to control your condition the more of a risk you would present to insurers and therefore a loading may be added to your premium. It is also highly likely that an exclusion relating to the condition would be applied to your policy.

Income protection

Again, similarly to both supraventricular life insurance and critical illness cover, supraventricular income protection should be simple to obtain. This however depends on the severity of your condition and any issues that you have had as a result of your supraventricular tachycardia.

If you have a very mild form of supraventricular tachycardia, then it is possible that you can get supraventricular tachycardia income protection for standard rates, however the more issues you have had with your condition will increase your premium, and in very rare circumstances may decline your application. Again, if we are able to obtain cover for you it is very likely that an exclusion relating to the condition would be applied to your policy.

Whatever the severity of your supraventricular tachycardia, we will always try our hardest to get you the best cover for you, so get in touch to ensure that you get the protection that you deserve.

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