Insurance companies charge a premium for insurance based on how likely they feel you are to have a claim. If you have an illness or a ‘high risk’ occupation or hobby they can consider you more of a risk and therefore increase the premium. This process is called loading.
Frequently Asked Questions about Life Insurance And Critical Illness Insurance
This will depend on many factors including how serious your illness is / how dangerous your hobbies or occupations are.
No, the loadings can vary tremendously from one company to another. This is where we use our experience and contacts to make sure we apply to the correct company for your personal circumstances.
This can vary depending on what medical and other evidence is required and how quickly it can be supplied. Typically we would expect the process to take 4 to 6 weeks.
In most cases no, the insurance company will usually rely on information supplied by your Doctor.
We make no charge for the service. If you decide to proceed with one of the quotations we supply you, we are paid commission by the Insurance Company who receives your business. As we do not provide advice regarding the suitability of any contract but purely advice on the companies who we think will potentially provide you with the most competitive quotes for your medical condition we do not charge a separate fee for advice. There is also no cost incurred if you decide not to proceed at any point through the process.
Quite possibly! Please ask us for a quotation in the normal way and we will do our best to help. DO NOT cancel your existing cover until you have new cover in place.
Not at all. The A-Z index covers the most common illnesses. If your particular condition is not there please enter your illness as OTHER and we will be pleased to try and help.