A group of physical features referred to as ‘Pierre Robin sequence’ is a regular occurrence in people suffering from Stickler Syndrome. These features include a cleft palate, a tongue positioned far back within the mouth, and a smaller lower jaw. These combined issues can cause a sufferer to have problems consuming food and difficulty breathing.
Stickler Syndrome Life Insurance, Critical Illness Cover And Income Protection
Stickler Syndrome is a a hereditary condition that affects the collagen in a person’s skin, affecting the way the skin tissue binds together. This in turn affects several aspects of a person’s facial appearance. A person suffering with the condition will typically have the following:
There are a long range of symptoms that are associated with Stickler Syndrome:
- Short sightedness
- Vitreous gel abnormalities
- Risk of detached retinas and cataracts
- Glaucoma
- Hyper mobility in the joints
- Osteoarthritis
- High arched palate
- Cleft palate
- A short lower jaw
- A small, flat nose with no nasal bridge
- Deafness
- Glue ear
- Curvature of the spine
- Fatigue
- Chronic pain
There is no way to effectively treat Stickler Syndrome. Instead, a person’s symptoms can be managed through various methods:
- Regular ophthalmic reviews (for eye and sight-related issues)
- Maxillo-facial assessment (in the case of a cleft)
- Hearing aids to help with deafness
- Physiotherapy (to ease joint discomfort)
- Joint replacement surgery
- Visual and sensory aids
How Stickler syndrome life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection works:
An insurer will assess the following when considering underwriting an application for Stickler Syndrome life insurance:
- Severity of the condition
- Date of initial diagnosis
- Medications currently being taken
- Any other related health complications
- Management of the condition
The Insurance Surgery is a leading Stickler Syndrome life insurance specialist. We are here to help our customers find the right cover for their needs, and compare the market to find the best life insurance providers and cover plans. Enter your details into one of our online forms for your free no-obligation quote for Stickler Syndrome life insurance.
Stickler syndrome life insurance
Underwriting for Stickler Syndrome life insurance will depend on various details in relation to your condition and your circumstances. Insurers may ask for clarification on the following details:
- Initial diagnosis date of Stickler Syndrome
- Medications and treatments to manage the condition
- Details of procedures carried out to manage the condition
- How the condition impacts your everyday living
- Whether the condition prevents you from working
- Any other medical conditions linked to your Stickler Syndrome
- Your family medical history
Those suffering with Stickler Syndrome may be eligible for life insurance cover with a premium loading or non-standard terms. Exclusions may be applied to your policy due to the nature of your condition. An insurer will want further details of treatments undertaken, medicines diagnosed and the overall severity of your condition. It is possible that an insurer may request medical records from your GP for further information. At The Insurance Surgery, we have helped many people find the right Stickler Syndrome life insurance cover for their needs. We can put you in touch with specialist insurers that meet your requirements.
Stickler syndrome critical illness cover
Generally speaking, critical illness cover is usually not offered on standard terms to those suffering with Stickler Syndrome due to the complexity of the condition and underlying associated health problems. Depending on your circumstances, as with life insurance, critical illness cover could be available to you through some insurers if you are prepared to pay higher premiums or have non-standard terms. An insurer will most likely request evidence in the form of medical records. Contact us at The Insurance Surgery for more details and to be put in touch with specialist insurers offering cover for your needs.
Stickler syndrome income protection
It is very likely that income protection will not be available to those suffering from Stickler Syndrome. If your condition has manageable symptoms that do not affect your ability to work, an insurer may decide to give you cover, but with higher premiums. Speak to us about your needs for income protection, and we will do our best to help find you cover.
Useful Links
The Insurance Surgery is a specialist life insurance expert for those suffering with Stickler Syndrome. We have helped thousands of customers find the right cover for the needs, so get in touch with us today so that we can put you in touch with the right insurers.
Click the links below to find out more: